
Showing posts from February 10, 2018

Dreaming About Dream Vacations

This cold winter weather's got me like....I'd rather be somewhere warm! Boston winter is absolutely miserable. Honestly, I don't mind the weather here from April to October, but November through March is terrible. It's freezing...actually it's below freezing most of the time, there's a ton of a ton, and the sky is always gray and dull...we never see the sun.  So I got to thinking about what would cheer me up and bring me out of this winter funk, and came to the conclusion that daydreaming and talking about my top five dream vacations would do the trick. So here we go! My hands down, ultimate, number-one-on-my-list dream vacation is New Zealand and Australia ! I have wanted to go there since I was a little girl. And I swear, one day I'll go! There are several things that draw me to that part of the world; the beaches, the beautiful blue water, the sexy accents. And of course...the reasons I probably shouldn't admit;  Lord of...