Playing Catch Up: June (Plumb Family Vaca)
June was a CRAZY month for us! My family came out for eight days and then Shawn's parents and friends came out for about five days. Oh, and we managed to squeeze a super fun camping trip in between those visits! We love having visitors, it makes us feel less lonely and far away from everyone! And we love showing people around Boston! My parents and two little sisters came out here the first week of June and we had so much fun! We did everything...and I mean EVERYTHING! We crammed a lot into the eight days they were here. The first day we took it easy and laid low since they got in really late the night before. We went and checked out the Harvard campus, had some shawarma , then went and saw Wonder Woman (such a good movie!) in 3D at the huge IMAX screen inside Jordan's Furniture. If anyone hasn't been there, you really should check it out ! They have the newest technology for sound...there are sound boxes above you, in front of you, behind you, on the sides of you, AND...