Ten Things to Know Before Going on a Cruise
Shawn and I had the opportunity last week to go on a four day cruise from Orlando to the Bahamas and oh my gosh guys, it's so pretty down there! We had a blast and it was such a fun adventure, but there are definitely some things we learned. So here are some details, tips and advice for when y'all go on a cruise to one of the most beautiful places ever! Tip One: Do All Your "Homework" Before this trip, the last cruise Shawn and I went on was six years ago so we totally forgot a few things. First up, prepay all of your gratuities. We did this on our first cruise but somehow overlooked it this time. Prepaying allows you to not worry about tipping during the cruise and usually ends up being cheaper than if they charge you the flat rate per person per day during the cruise. Also, make sure you read all of the info the cruise line emails over when you book your cruise. That info tells you what identification you need to bring, what to expect, what's allo...