A Weekend in Dallas

Last weekend Shawn and I had the opportunity to fly to Dallas for a few days and we had a blast! We flew in Friday morning and my mom, Aleah (sister), and Andersen (nephew) picked us up at the airport. Anders really wanted to go to the Lego store so we all stopped at a mall on the way back to Kaylyn and Garett's house. He also wanted to ride the Carousel and somehow convinced Auntie Lexi to ride with him haha! The kid is hilarious and I love him to pieces!! We then headed to Kaylyn and Garett's place where we hung out and caught up with everyone until dinner. Shawn and I were so excited to see Camden and meet little Miss Colbie! Nephews and nieces are seriously the best! For dinner we went to a place called "Babe's Chicken" and it was delicious! It was authentic Texas BBQ and I definitely ate too much. The best part though? I told our waitress it was Kaylyn's birthday and boy did they embarrass her haha! I had no idea what they were going to...