Fighting Off the Winter Blues and Choosing Happiness
Does anyone else tend to get a little down and depressed this time of year? I feel as though I've been riding the "high" of the new year and resolutions and a fresh start. At the end of January and pretty much all of February, the cold New England winter gets to me. I miss the sunshine, the warm weather and the beautiful colors this part of the country offers! But a resolution of mine is to be more positive, see the good in things, and look for a silver lining in even the dullest (or coldest) of situations. That being said, I started to think a lot about happiness. I've heard and been taught by several influential people in my life that happiness is a choice; that we choose to be happy or not. I haven't always believed that. Sometimes life sucks. It knocks you down and then kicks you in the butt while you're down. But as I reflect and look back on times in my life that were rough and difficult that I maybe didn't handle so well, I realize th...