A Little Bit of Leather + A Whole Lot of Gratitude
November is such a great month! It's full of family, friends, and most of all...gratitude. Today it seems to be the trend to go out and ask for candy on Halloween then turn around and ask Santa for gifts the next day. Too often, Thanksgiving is forgotten or overlooked and it makes me so sad. I LOVE THANKSGIVING! I love the time to reflect, think back on my year and realize how blessed I've been and how much I truly have to be thankful for. So here's some things I'm thankful for and ways that we can continue to be grateful even once Thanksgiving has passed! 1. My Body : This is a tough one for me. As I strive to be more confident and love my body the way it is, I also realize how blessed I am to have a body that functions properly and is healthy. I'm grateful that I can go out and run a couple miles or do a few burpees. I'm grateful that I can go hiking or ride a bike through the city. And I'm grateful that my body aches and gets sore...