How I Survived Being a Dental Student's Wife
HAPPY FRIDAY! The light at the end of the tunnel is no longer just in sight...we're speedily approaching it and the days are flying by! I can't believe Shawn graduates from dental school in 21 days and that we move in 22 days!! Cue my happy dance! I've been doing a lot of reflecting and reminiscing these past couple days about our time here in Boston. I got to thinking about how the spouses of dental students are just as much a part of the dental school experience as the student is. We sacrifice, we provide, we support, we encourage and we love. Let's keep it real here. Dental school is hard. Dental school can suck. Dental school can put even the strongest of relationships to the test. There were tears, laughter, growth, accomplishment, happiness, sadness, discouragement, encouragement, and every other emotion on the spectrum throughout our journey. And we came out stronger at the end because of it. You may think it's easy for me to say all of t...