Hello March!

Shawn and I had such a fun weekend!  Friday night we went out to dinner with our good friends John and Brittney.  We braved the freezing cold weather and snow-piled parking lots to go to Chili’s.  The food was great, the Bruins game was on, and we had some great company.  After dinner we went back to our place to watch Grown Ups 2 and eat brownies :)  It’s always hilarious to watch a funny movie with people who haven’t seen it…their reactions are priceless!

On Saturday we kind of had a lazy morning.  I rolled out of bed around 9:00 and decided that eggs sounded good for breakfast.  The night before Shawn told me to not let him sleep past 10:00 and to just wake him up.  Knowing that waking Shawn up before he’s ready usually means facing his wrath for the next week, I came up with a brilliant plan.  To ease the brutal morning wake up call, I decided to make Shawn bed in breakfast…which of course was a win-win situation.  I was making myself some eggs anyway so I threw in a few more and brought his to him on a tray haha!  He just kept going on and on about what a good wife I am and how sweet it was of me to make him breakfast.  Little does he know, I just wanted eggs and to save myself from his wrath haha!

After breakfast I basically had to pull Shawn out the front door so we could go to the gym for awhile.  By awhile I mean about 25 minutes!  But hey, at least I convinced him to come!  After our short and sweet workout we figured it was about time we wash off the 5 weeks of salt that has accumulated on our car.  We drove down the road to a self-serve car wash that was having a rough day to say the least.  We pulled in and the lines were FOREVER long!  Shawn waited in line while I walked over to the machine to get change.  It said it only accepted 1s, 5s, and 10s so my $20 bill wasn’t going to cut it.  I then walked back over to the line and asked the lady at the booth if she could give me two 10s.  Back over to the change machine I went, and guess what?  The machine lied!  It should have said it accepted NO BILLS because that’s what it did.  I tried both $10 bills on both sides of the machine and it just wasn’t having it.  One of the employees walked past and I asked, “Is this machine working?”  He proceeded to say, “Probably not. Everything in this place breaks down.”  That definitely did not boost my confidence in the services we were about to pay for!  So he sent his supervisor over.  As if him putting the exact same bills in the exact same way into the exact same machine would somehow result in a different outcome.  Some people.  Needless to say, the machine still didn’t work.  I found my way back to our car (which was now next to go into the wash bay) and got in.  I told Shawn the change machines aren’t working and we’ll just have to leave.  He got out of the car and walked back to the lady in the booth and asked her for 5s and 1s.  With new bills in hand, he walked over to the same change machine I had tried and attempted to put them in.  Still no luck.  In the meantime, people in line are honking everywhere (not at us…yet) so I got in the driver seat and pulled into the bay, hoping that we somehow got money!  We finally saw that the wash control panel accepted 5s and 1s so we used those! FINALLY!  Once we put the money in we started washing the car….and BRRRRR WAS IT COLD!  I would wash for a few minutes while Shawn kept his hands in his pockets and then we’d switch.  This weather sure has been rough on a couple kids from sunny southern Utah!  Good news though, it turns out our car was there…hidden beneath weeks of road salt :)

The rest of the day was not quite as eventful, but we did have some fun.  Shawn has a big test tomorrow that he had to study for and I had to get some work done, but we made Winger’s Sticky Fingers for dinner and watched some Friday Night Lights while we ate.  So fun!  And the chicken fingers were delish! Check my recipe page for the recipe.

Today we didn’t wake up until about 10:30.  HELLO MARCH!  It was so nice to sleep in and not have church until 1:00!  After church we came home and had these amazing Stuffed Zucchinis and asparagus for dinner. YUM! Again, check my recipes page for the zucchini recipe.  We finished up dinner and headed over to John and Brittney’s….even though it was snowing like crazy.  Oh the things I will do to watch OUAT (Once Upon A Time).  The guys went downstairs to play pool and “study” (yeah right!) while the girls watched OUAT.  Man I’ve missed that show.  It’s great and if you don’t watch it you totally should!  What a good Sunday and HELLO MARCH!


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